About The Actual Keylogger 5.5.9:
One of the programs that can accomplish this is the Actual Keylogger Full Version. In addition to monitoring user behavior, this spy software may carefully conceal itself from prying eyes so that it is not visible in the list of services or running programs. It is not as well detected by antivirus software. Additional settings allow you to conceal the desktop shortcut, uninstall the program from the “Start->All programs” menu and the “Add or Remove Programs” list, and even conceal the installation folder. Should you choose to do so, the command line will be your sole option to launch this program.
What is monitored by the program, and how is it? Every keystroke is recorded, along with the case of every character typed. Moreover, screenshots are saved at predetermined intervals rather than for every window. In addition to keeping track of the clipboard, the application logs when it is opened and closed.
Frequently, glancing at a screenshot provides more context than perusing logged keystrokes. For this reason, in addition to recording keystrokes, the Actual Keylogger Updated Version also lets you store screenshots. The application options allow you to adjust how often screenshots are saved; however, choosing short time intervals is not advised as this could cause the log file’s space to fill up too quickly. Additionally, you can select the screenshot quality. Every time a screenshot is captured, the cursor location can be saved.
The title of the active window, the user name, and the date and time the snapshot was captured are all listed under the “Screenshots” tab. The control panel for switching between screenshots, viewing them in full screen, and saving them to a specific folder is below. If you decide you don’t need any screenshots, you can remove some or all of them.
The “Programs” tab is the next one. A table with the timestamps of the programs’ launches and shutdowns is displayed here. Their user names and title bars are also shown.
The final tab is “Clipboard.” Every time data is copied to the clipboard, this table is updated with the relevant details. The application records who executed this action and in which window. The contents of the clipboard will appear in the tab’s lower section when you pick a record in the table. Remember that you can choose to preserve all or a portion of the clipboard’s contents.
Other than examining them, what uses are there for log files? You can search for them. Choose a record to search from, then type the keyword in. Moreover, a case-sensitive search is feasible. You can generate reports using the program’s log files. Reports can be produced in HTML or text format. By indicating the number of records on each page, you can generate HTML reports with many pages. All log files may be included in a report, but you can limit it to the information you need.
Such a report can be viewed remotely using the program’s email client as well as on the computer where it is installed. The recipient’s address, the message subject, the SMTP server settings, and the list of data to be included in the report should all be specified in the settings. A report like this won’t contain any screenshots. Two options are available for defining the frequency of report sending: either at a predetermined period (e.g., every three hours) or when the log file grows to a specific size. Upon sending the report, the log files will be removed.
One of the greatest ways to track Windows and macOS is to use Actual Keylogger Full Download, which is compatible with both operating systems. Check out this post if you wish to track another operating system, such as Linux, Chrome OS, iOS, or Android.
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Actual Keylogger 5.5.9 Key Features:
1. Keyboard Recording:
Description: Actual Keylogger’s main purpose is to capture each keystroke that is performed on the keyboard. All typed characters, including special characters, symbols, and numerals, are included in this.
- Tracking Typing Activity: This function can assist in keeping tabs on the text that users type in documents, emails, chat messages, and passwords.
- Security: Unauthorized access or questionable activity on a device can be detected by monitoring keystrokes.
Technical Information: All keystrokes are recorded by the software as it operate in the background and is stored in a log file for subsequent viewing. Customization of the keystroke types to record is possible with advanced options (e.g., alphanumeric only, all keys including function keys).
2. Monitoring of Applications:
Description: All of the programs that are open on the computer under observation can be tracked by Actual Keylogger For Windows PC. It records the names of the programs and how long they are used.
- Productivity Tracking: Using this function, employers may make sure staff members are utilizing work-related apps while in the workplace.
- Parental Control: By keeping an eye on the apps their kids use, parents can make sure they’re acceptable.
Technical Information: The program records the application’s executable name, the moment it was launched, and how long it was running. It can provide a comprehensive consumption report and distinguish between background and active programs.
3. Monitoring Websites:
This functionality enables Actual Keylogger to record URLs and timestamps from every website the user visits.
- Monitoring Internet Usage: It’s helpful for companies and parents to maintain tabs on the websites that employees visit to guarantee suitable and safe usage.
- Security: Aids in detecting visits to unapproved or potentially dangerous websites.
Technical Information: The program records the URLs of every page viewed using a variety of web browsers. It can produce comprehensive reports that classify websites and display the number and length of visits.
4. Taking Screenshots:
Description: The real keylogger can periodically snap screen grabs of the computer to create a visual log of every user’s activities.
- In addition to text-based logs, visual monitoring offers a clear image of what users are viewing or working on.
- Evidence gathering: Helpful in situations requiring visual documentation, including disciplinary hearings or security lapses.
Technical Information: You can program the software to take screenshots at specific intervals, such as every five or ten minutes. Screenshots can be examined sequentially to get insight into user behavior over time and are kept in a safe area.
5. Mode Invisible:
The Real Keylogger can function in a concealed mode, rendering it undetectable to the typical user. This implies that it will not appear in application listings, the task manager, or the system tray.
- The ability to monitor without notifying the user is ensured by stealth monitoring, which is very helpful in investigative settings.
Technical Information: There are settings in the software to conceal its existence on the PC. Usually secured with a password, access to the software can be obtained by utilizing a unique key combination or command.
6. Reports by email:
Description: Actual Keylogger allows for remote monitoring by sending thorough reports via email at predetermined intervals.
- Employers, guardians, or administrators can get information on user behavior using remote monitoring without physically accessing the monitored device.
Technical Detail: Users can set the recipient’s email address and the frequency at which report emails are sent. Keystrokes, screenshots, website logs, and program usage information are all possible additions to the reports.
7. Clipboard Observation:
The program’s ability to record information copied to the clipboard guarantees that any text or data sent across apps is recorded.
- Data security: Assists in monitoring copied and pasted data, which is frequently used to transmit sensitive data.
- Comprehensive Logging: This adds to keystroke logging by recording information that may have been copied from other sources rather than being inputted.
Technical Information: All text copied to the clipboard is recorded by the clipboard monitoring feature and saved in a log file for future examination. Text from emails, papers, online pages, and more are included in this.
System Requirements:
Minimum Requirements:
- Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11
- Processor: 1 GHz or faster processor
- RAM: 1 GB for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit
- Hard Disk Space: 50 MB of free space
- Display: 800×600 screen resolution
Recommended Requirements:
- Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11
- Processor: 2 GHz or faster processor
- RAM: 4 GB or more
- Hard Disk Space: 100 MB of free space
- Display: 1024×768 screen resolution or higher
How To Install?
- Turn off your internet connection (Recommended by KaranPC).
- Utilizing the setup, extract and install Actual Keylogger.
- Don’t launch the program after installation, or quit it if it is already running.
- Copy the fixed file to the installation directory, run it as admin, and activate your program accordingly.
- You can now enjoy the free version of Actual Keylogger. { Official Site }